1) Enter your gene/protein set of interest or try an example:
Try an example analysis (optional): | |
Choose a molecular network (helpFor a network-based enrichment analysis, the user can either select a human protein-protein interaction (PPI) network obtained from STRING by filtering out interactions with a score < 600 (default option), a human PPI assembled by Bossi and Lehner (Mol Syst Biol, 2009) or upload a self-defined network, consisting of one connected component and using standardized gene or protein identifiers. )
Identifier format:
Tissue-specific analysis (optional):
Please enter one gene/protein identifier per line (limit: 5000 IDs): |  | format help - Supported input types: EnrichNet requires a list of gene-, protein- or microarray-probe-identifiers as input in one of the following input formates: ENTREZ GENE, HGNC SYMBOL, UNIPROT/SWISSPROT ID, REFSEQ DNA, PROTEIN ID or microarray probe identifiers from Affymetrix, Agilent and Illumina platforms.
- Format: To analyze your own gene set you can simply copy & paste the gene/protein identifiers into the empty text area on the main page and select the corresponding gene identifier type (e.g. ENSEMBL, ENTREZ, etc.) from the drop-down menu above the input field. Only one gene identifier should be added per line. Alternatively, you can also select one of the pre-defined gene sets from the 'Choose Example' drop-down list. Optionally, genes can be grouped into classes for a comparative analysis by adding arbitrary class labels, separated by a comma from the inividual gene names (see the 'Microarray, two classes' example dataset in the drop-down list).